Tallahassee Bedsore Lawyer
Bedsores, also known as pressure sores or pressure ulcers, are often a sign of nursing home neglect. These sores are common in individuals who are immobile; those who are bedridden or confined to wheelchairs are at the greatest risk, especially when nursing home staff fail to properly care for them. Bedsores develop from prolonged pressure on the parts of the body that remain in contact with surfaces; without frequent shifting of the body, these sores can develop and worsen as they progress through various stages.
If you have a loved one in a nursing home who has developed a bedsore, you need to take action. Bedsores are painful and, without proper care, they can become potentially dangerous, leading to infection and other complications. As injuries, these sores should never happen in the first place. They are preventable and, when one appears, it is an indicator of potential nursing home neglect and poor standard of care. At Milles Law, we can help in this matter by holding accountable the negligent parties and, through legal action, we can fight for the financial compensation your loved one deserves.
Request a confidential and free consultation with a Tallahassee bedsore attorney online or by calling Milles Law at (855) 553-3310.
More About Bedsores in Nursing Homes
Bedsores develop on pressure points of the body, such as the back of the head, shoulders, hips, heels, and knees. They can be prevented by repositioning the body every few hours, lying at a 30-degree angle on the bed, and keeping clothing and bedding dry. Immobile residents should remain under the watchful eye of caregivers who should be well-trained in bedsore prevention. Staff failure to adequately monitor susceptible residents, help them in shifting their positions, or take other actions necessary to avoid bedsores may be viewed as nursing home negligence.
Bedsores can first appear as skin irritations that can progress to blisters or open sores followed by deepening craters that show damage extending below the skin. If untreated, they can eventually extend to the tendons, muscles, and even bones. These injuries can expose the victim to severe infection and irreversible damage at the site of the bedsore. They need to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.
If your family member has suffered the injury of a bedsore, you should seek help as soon as possible. You may have legal recourse against the responsible facility. At Milles Law, we can take on the legal burden of gathering evidence, investigating the facility for previous claims of negligence, and preparing your case for a negotiated settlement or for trial. Our firm has extensive experience in representing victims of negligence throughout Tallahassee; we will zealously protect your loved one’s rights while seeking compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, emotional trauma, and any other damages that are appropriate under Florida personal injury law.
Hiring the right firm can make all the difference. At Milles Law, we have the experience successfully handling thousands of personal injury cases. When you hire our firm you can expect to work closely with Attorney Milles from start to finish, and you will have access to him and his team any time you have questions.
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